COVID19 update - we've made some BIG changes!

COVID19 update - we've made some BIG changes!

As a family run business, we feel we have a responsibility to keep our employees safe. To that end, we took the decision to shut our business down for 2 weeks towards the end of March so that we could make some significant changes to how our business operates.

It's true that not everyone can work from home, and as a manufacturer that provides postal packaging which is key for the continuance of our nation's economy, ensuring that we are able to do so safely has led to us implementing the following changes...

  • 2 meter social distancing procedures applied with the implementation of a new set of guidelines and policies.
  • All staff now wear gloves and we have implemented cleaning schedules for all touch points and work stations throughout our entire business.
  • We've revised our machine layouts, decluttered and repainted the floors to include 2 meter safe areas.
  • Lighting, doors and roller shutters have been upgraded with touchless entry systems, including foot locking mechanisms and elbow operated taps on toilets.
  • We've even gone as far as to knock down walls and install conveyor systems to help reduce staff contact and to keep work flowing through the factory without impacting on staff safety.

On top of the above, our new COVID19 policy covers inductions, travelling, quarantine procedures for goods-in and more.

As you can see, there's been a lot of change here at Lil, and we're working together to ensure not only the continuity of supply chain (such as focusing our efforts on supplying packaging to the online pharmacy sector), but also the safety of our staff, our customers and their respective families.

We’re happy to report that we're back up and running again, but with limited staffing and reduced capacity. A huge thank you to you all, especially our regular customers for their understanding and support while we work through the back log.

mail happy

Everyone at Lil Packaging

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